viernes, 23 de febrero de 2007

OOffice quest ...

Well obviously there is such a lot of work to do. At the moment what i can see is that i DO really need some support classes. Most of the time i complain about BeOS Standard APi misses some GUI widgets that must be included in the API. ZETA is solving most of them and in the same way i hope Haiku does the same for the first release.
Examples are the listView column, a SpinButton, SplitPane, Those are the most i Miss. But in the OOffice project i am missing another ones, not really end user widgets those are.
  • A nice pictured button
  • A ToolBar Class
  • Movable View
So the points will be browsing a bit around bebits or look in the OpenSource projects if i can save some time or efforts in this HUGE project. Well if you know where I can take references about this or in general about Office solution.... just post something.

Oh by the way i was not gonna talk about this without posting a new screenshot some more lines of code there.

miércoles, 21 de febrero de 2007

Before around 1 year ago proposing myself abandoning the BeOS scene, the idea of an Office suite was rounding in my head. Cannot be such complicated with a good design, and the provided API... I said to myself... well and time and motivation would make the remaining 80%.

So I decided some days ago, lost somewhere in Spain, to use some days trying to answer myself if such words i said 1 year ago were possible or not.

Here is the result of such days, at the moment StyledEdit provides more than this App...
But as stated before there is the need of the 80% of time and motivation, and another of the things I said to myself was "you are not going to finish this man", which i am as convinced as that it is actually possible to code it.

Summarizing lets see how it shows up, and what can we do.

All feedback, help, coding help, or donation would be apreciated.

martes, 20 de febrero de 2007

It is getting hard to post something useful here, not really a good beggining. But as i will comment later, i am lost somewhere in Spain and not concretelly in a ncie green mountain with a house selfmade out of wood. I get internet every day but always forget my flash drive with all the documents and data that i wanna post here. Today i remembered just when i was already on the way with my car... 

jueves, 15 de febrero de 2007

Pues esta es la primera entrada que todo blog ha de tener supongo y que para nada tiene que ser trascendental ni concretarse en un solo tema, pero quizas si decir que se puede encontrar aqui. Pretendo pronto, a lo largo de la siguiente semana comentar algo sobre los primeros prototipos de una Suite de Ofimatica para BeOS, Tengo ya un binario y un screenshot que añadiré a este articulo. Creo que es lo mas trascendente que por ahroa podría comentar a este mundo. Y si has llegado a perder el timpo alguna vez en este blog.... pues comenta algo ;)