As already published in BeOSFrance and in my friend's blog Koki some applications has been opensourced. Actually MeTOS always has been opensource under the GPL license, but its sources were not officially published anywhere.
Long ago when I searched the way to make my UI development quickier, I found in MeTOS as the best fitting my expectations. I wonder a lot about the others such as BeBuilder, BeXL and VisualBe.
So insipired by a post in haikuware about binary compatibility of MeTOS under Haiku, I started concering if we could ensure the further development of the application. I really think we cannot lose this piece of software. Therefore I contacted Cedric Vincent, the author.
And here is the result, here we can find the new site of the MeTOS project. Which I already joined... another subject is where to take the time...
Take the chance to point the other 2 sourceforge sites of his opensourced projects, DontWorry and BeNetTris
Long ago when I searched the way to make my UI development quickier, I found in MeTOS as the best fitting my expectations. I wonder a lot about the others such as BeBuilder, BeXL and VisualBe.
So insipired by a post in haikuware about binary compatibility of MeTOS under Haiku, I started concering if we could ensure the further development of the application. I really think we cannot lose this piece of software. Therefore I contacted Cedric Vincent, the author.
And here is the result, here we can find the new site of the MeTOS project. Which I already joined... another subject is where to take the time...
Take the chance to point the other 2 sourceforge sites of his opensourced projects, DontWorry and BeNetTris
THANKS Cedric!