miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2008

Bluetooth update & Hardware donation

It has been a long time without any update on the bluetooth Stack.

During these 2 months all the activity has been centered in implementing the L2cap protocol (and of course, going to the beach). The analog protocol in a TCP/IP Stack would be the TCP and UDP protocol, So it is not a trivial task.

The good point in all this is that after having some license conversation with the main FreeBSD developer(Maksim Yevmenkin) and the Haiku developers maillist, I am reusing some BSD code adapted to the Haiku kernel API, which is saving a lot of development time.

I divided the l2cap protocol in 2 sublayers (lower/higher). The whole lower is finished and currently I am completting the higher, which will merge with the final sockets interface accomplishing the last milestone.(FINALLY!)

By other hand Ineed to thank another hardware donation from......

With a huge delay thanking him, Luroh sent me a couple of bluetooth PCMCIA cards and one Wireless. When I got them I was almost ready to stop the development of the stack to code the transport drivers for those  cards, but Haiku hasnt PCMCIA support :(... so something more in my TODO-list. But anyway the cards will be useful as they duplicate the number of bluetooth devices I own.

 Thanks Luroh!

2 comentarios:

Humdinger dijo...

Thanks for that update, Oliver!
Cool that phase 1 is nearly completed. Do you plan to continue with the other phases or do you need a little breather after all that bluetooth... :)

urnenfeld dijo...

Hallo Humdinger,

I will sooner or later to publish a roadmap but sumarizing after phase 1: I will be working only within the Phase 1. Extending its funcionalities, bugfixing, cleaning and making everything strong and stable implementing all UI applications missing to make it all easy & friendly. Without making the stack growing up.
