This ioctl's feature works as expected in Haiku, therefore as this new mechanism for bluetooth commands assumes this fact, the R5 behavior, although present in code has been dropped in r29639. Check inclusion for define BT_IOCTLS_PASS_SIZE.
With the new mechanism memory leaks allocating commands are solved, as they are meant to be allocated in stack, and dropping this R5 legacy, we are using 4 less bytes of memory per command (considerable as many bluetooth commands are just 3 bytes).
Bla bla bla, sumarizing the important part:
*** After this revision, be sure you recompiled and are using an updated version of at least: h2generic, bluetooth kit and bluetooth_server. As this change solved many issues but broke many compatibilities ***
For the ones who test often, there are some strings more on the LocalDevice panel information (preferences), there you will be able to check your dongle's bluetooth version, and the company who maufactured.
I use this update to thank Edwin Erik Amsler, who has shipped me some bluetooth devices to test, and a bluetooth 1.2 dongle which was recognized by the stack:
the phone discovered:
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